Madison Awakes
At the start of the game, Madison is rudely awakened by heavy knocks on his front door and a shortcut scene will show him awakening in the Shack. Once the control is given to Madison, walk out of the room. Once Madison exits the room, the lights will turn off and Madison will comment about it. Keep walking towards the sound of knocking and open the door with the Interact button.
Another shortcut scene will play and Madison will now be on the front porch of his shack in the Farm. Attempting to venture into the Farm at this point will result in Madison returning to the porch and commenting about how he should pick up some items before he goes out into the dark. These key items are the phone and the flashlight.
However, before going back into the Shack turn around and interact with the newspaper that is pinned to the Shack door with a kitchen knife. Read the newspaper article carefully and take note of the number that is written on the bottom and circled in red. Don't worry if you forget it. The document will be viewable on the phone once Madison picks it up. Now, go back into the Shack by interacting with the shack door.
The Shack
Once Madison is back in the Shack grab the flashlight, drive tooth, and phone. Also, pick up both playing cards if you wish to eventually play Orbital Anarchy and/or read a brief description of an actual serial killer (name changed for legal purposes, of course).
The game can also be saved at this point. Interact with the bed when there are floating blue fireflies to save and/or quit the game. Lastly, interact with the television and Madison will comment about the remote control. Go back to the Shack door and enter the Farm.
Tip 1: If an item is on the ground, Madison will need to crouch before picking it up. The UI will prompt when needed. This does not apply to documents or playing cards.
Tip 2: An item can easily be spotted by the green fireflies floating around it but they will only illuminate when Madison gets close enough.
Tip 3: Be careful using the phone and flashlight since the batteries will drain when in use. When not in use, the batteries will slowly charge. Basically, only use these items when absolutely needed since they are both very important, especially the phone.
Tip 4: Playing cards are easily spotted by the spotlight that illuminates them when Madison gets close enough.
Text Messages
Once Madison enters the Farm after picking up the needed items he can now venture out into the Farm. After walking a few yards from the porch, a quick cut-scene will play showing Madison when he should go next, The Windmill. Very soon after this Madison's phone will vibrate and a text will go through. Open the phone, click on the envelope icon, and read a short text from a very violent someone.
Text messages are sent to Madison throughout the game.
The Farm (Electricity NOT restored)
Walk back towards the mailbox and read the letter inside. Then walk back down the path and grab the playing card on the well. Keep following the path towards the Windmill but instead of going to it, pass by and go to the Farmhouse on the right-hand side. Walk towards the driveway, interact with the mailbox and read the letter left inside. Then walk up the driveway, towards the house, and find the yellow pickup truck. Grab the crowbar on the tailgate. While you are here, walk up the front steps of the house and make a right on the wraparound porch. Pick up the drive tooth on the railing. Go back towards the Windmill and towards the bridge.
Tip: After Madison leaves the Shack but before going to the Windmill, Madison cannot enter any other areas, however, the Farm is basically wolf-free. This makes it a great time to grab items throughout the Farm without having to deal with the wolves.
The Bridge
Once Madison walks about halfway across the bridge for the first time a shortcut scene will play of an approaching wolf. The goal is to get to the Windmill without getting caught. Runaway from the wolf and up the winding mountain path. Once reaching the Windmill, interact with the door handle to open the door and escape the wolf.
Tip: To continuously run without hitting fatigue is a good skill to learn at this point. While running, keep an eye on the fatigue meter in the lower right corner of the screen. When it gets to about 75% full release the run button until the meter drops to about 50% and press and hold the run button again.
The Windmill
Once Madison reaches the Windmill pick up all of the items around the room, the Farm Map, the Drive Tooth, the Pliers, and the Philips Screwdriver. Next, go to the generator and read both documents taped to the machine. One details how to fix the Windmill Drive and the other details how to reset the generator.
At this point, Madison can pull the ladder down since the crowbar was picked up earlier. However, the Windmill Drive cannot be fixed until Madison has all of the items needed. Referring to the Windmill drive document he will still need a Hammer and another the final drive tooth. To obtain these items, the next stop is the Barn in the Southeast of the map (open phone to view). Since Madison will have to walk, now is a good time to grab some more playing cards and there are several on the way. See list in Map Overview.
Tip 1: Both sets of instructions were printed with an old typewriter missing a letter. In order to fully understand the instructions, mentally replace any missing letters with the letter “e” when reading.
Tip 2: Once Madison leaves the Windmill, the wolf on the bridge will no longer be there. However, 5 other wolves now roam the property. They are silent but can be seen from afar. They do not respond to light but if you get close enough they will hear Madison and chase. There are places Madison can hide throughout the Farm level. Look for tall grass that when stepped into, the “HIDDEN” UI is shown. Keep in mind, if a wolf is already chasing Madison, hiding will not work.
The Barn (Main floor)
Once Madison accesses the Barn for the first time, he will need to grab the Hammer, the Generator Key, and the last Drive Tooth. Also, he can catch a glimpse of what a repaired Windmill Drive should look like when picking up the Windmill Drive Picture. There are also several Playing cards on the ground floor of the Barn, so grab them too. Now its time to head back to the Windmill to turn on the electricity to the Farm. Exit the way you came in. Make the trek back to the Windmill or Fast Travel if Madison has enough battery life.
Windmill (Part 2)
Upon returning to the Windmill, go to the overhead ladder and interact. A short cut-scene will show Madison pulling down the ladder. Interacting with the ladder again will prompt Madison to start climbing. You can wait the duration of this scene or skip it by interacting again.
Once at the top, walk straight ahead and enjoy another short cut-scene, depicting a dead body. Afterwards, keep walking straight and pick up the Lift Control Mast in the left corner. Now turn around and interact with the brake box.
Repairing the Windmill Drive
Once Madison is interacting with the Brake Box, click on the piece of metal missing the handle. This will prompt Madison to grab the handle with the Needle Nose Pliers. Now click the word “ON”. This will move the brake handle up and stop the windmill from moving. Now click on “RETURN”. Walk to the left and over to the Windmill Drive where the drive teeth are missing. Crouch down and interact. This will prompt Madison to install all 4 Drive Teeth with the Hammer. Once that is complete, interact with the Brake Box again and click “OFF”. This will release the brake, completing the Windmill Drive Repair.
Resetting the Generator
Next, descend the ladder back to the first floor and walk to the Generator Control Box. Following the instructions found on the generator, click on the key slot to insert the Generator Key. Then click on the key to turn it on. Press the Start button twice. Turn the key off, press the Start button one final time. If a mistake was made in the sequence, simply click on “RETURN” and interact to start over again. If done correctly, a short cut-scene will show the restoration of the electricity in the Windmill. Leave the Windmill and you will receive another text message so enjoy more taunting from the psychopath.
The Farm (Electricity Restored)
Now that the electricity has been restored in the Farm lights around the Farm now illuminate. More importantly, however, two new areas can now be accessed, The Silo and the Barn (Loft). It does not matter which one is gone to first (both will need to be revisited anyway) but this walk-through will choose to visit the Silo next.
The Silo
Upon walking up to the Silo with the electricity restored, a short cut-scene will present the Silo. After, interact with the ladder and start to ascend. Same as the ladder in the Windmill, interacting again will skip the ladder climb. Once at the top, grab the playing card to the right on the steel drum. Next, interact with the Silo hatch. A short cut-scene will show the hatch open and Madison will then enter the Silo.
Once the lift platform descends, walk around the lift and down the stairs and grab the playing card on the tarp. Now, look to the right and check the top of the box at the end of the aisle for the Chessboard. If it is there, interact with it. Now turn around and make a left at the end of the landing platform. To the left on the floor will be the ATV Battery. Pick it up. Next, continue around the platform and pick up the playing card on the utility shelf. Continue walking to the 2nd-floor lift and interact with the lift control.
Once on the 2nd floor, walk to the TV on the wall and interact with it. Madison will comment about a remote. If the Chessboard was not found on the top floor, check the end table on the right-hand side of the couch. If it is there, interact with it. Grab the two playing cards in the room, one on the table and one in the kitchen. Then walk the 1st-floor lift and descend further.
Upon reaching the bottom, go to the first door on the left and interact with the door handle. Once it unlocks, walk forward and push the door open. Next, walk to the right of the desk/bunkbed and click on the lamp. Then walk to the front of the desk and read the document for a clue about the Door Puzzle in the Farmhouse. Before leaving the room, grab the playing card and take note of the crest that is on the right side of the bed. This crest is Dani's.
Next, leave the room and make a left down the hall. Open the next door in the hall and enter the bathroom. Turn right and pick up the remote control on the sink. Now turn around and walk towards the toilet to pick up another playing card. Leave the bathroom and make a right down the hall.
Walk towards and open the next door on the left. Walk into the room and make a right. Walk straight ahead and pick up the Down Button at the end of the dresser. Now, turn around, walk towards the left of the desk/bunkbed and interact with the lamp to turn it on. Once turned on, read the note found at the front of the desk to get a clue on how to open the safe in the Farmhouse. Before leaving the room, grab the playing card on the stool and take note of the crest on the bunk bed. This is Mike's.
Walk towards and open the last door in the hall. If the Chessboard was not found in either of the first two locations, it will be located on the dresser to the right of the door. If it is there, interact with it. Then, walk to the left side of the bed and pick up the Slotted Screwdriver on the floor. Grab the playing card on the nightstand. Before leaving, note the crests on the headboard of the bed. Ben's is on the left and Kim's is on the right.
Next walk towards the lift missing the lift control. Look at the wall on the right and interact with the Lift Control Repair instructions. Just like the instructions found in the Windmill the letter “e” is missing from the document. This document describes in detail how to repair the Lift Control.
Now, turn around, walk towards the dresser in the hall and interact with it. The dresser has 6 candles with varying colors on top of it. These candleholders and colors correspond with the chessboard pawns. Clicking on any will slide the candle forward. Slide the candles until they match what is depicted on the chessboard and the bottom drawer will open, revealing the back door key to the Farmhouse. Pick up the key. Finally, go back to the top floor and exit the Silo.
Tip 1: Note the positioning and the color of the bottom of the clear glass chess pieces. This is not stored in Madison's phone so you must remember it (or write it down). The positioning of each pawn is random for every game so the answer will always be unique.
Tip 2: If the lamps are not turned on in the bedrooms, the clues cannot be read.
Tip 3: The chessboard will spawn in one of three random locations in the Silo. It must be found prior to answering the Dresser Puzzle.
Tip 4: It may seem tempting to attempt to find the correct channel for the TV in the Silo at this point but don't bother. Madison does not know the correct channel yet and guessing will not work at this point.
The Shack (TV Puzzle)
Once Madison is back on top of the Silo, open the phone and Fast Travel back to the Shack (If you have been following this walk-through there should be plenty of battery life in the phone to do this). Once back in the Shack open the phone and navigate to the Documents app. Find the newspaper and note the circled 3 digit number on the bottom right. Close the phone, walk over to the TV and interact. Press the power button and input the number circled on the newspaper. A photo with the answer to the Animal Statue Puzzle will now be shown on the screen. Don't worry about remembering this one, it is stored as a document on the phone. Save if you would like and leave the Shack. It is on to the Farmhouse.
Tip: Don't bother to guess the answer to the Silo TV Puzzle. The channel to input is different every game. Also, the X'd out letters can be rearranged to spell out the word “channel”.
The Farmhouse
As you leave the Shack, Be aware there is a wolf to the left of the Shack entrance that walks south to a checkpoint near the Silo. At this point (before being seen by the wolf) you can direct Madison to jump into a bush on either side of the Shack porch to remain hidden until the wolf passes. Or you can simply run down the path.
Either way, make your way down the path back to the Farmhouse and watch out for wolves. If this is Madison's first time visiting the Farmhouse with the power on, a short cut-scene will present the Farmhouse when close enough. Once the Farmhouse is reached walk up the front steps and turn left or right, following the wraparound porch. Watch out for the wolf behind the house and get to the back door and interact with the handle.
Once entering the Farmhouse, Madison finds himself in a small vestibule with 3 doors. The only door that will open at this time is the one in front of Madison. However, before opening the door, check for a Number Block in this room*. Now unlock the door and push it open.
Walk straight down the hall and push open the white double doors on the right that lead to the dining room. Check the room for a possible Number Block*. Walk to the adjoined kitchen and interact with the whiteboard. Go back the way you came through the double white doors and make a right. Check this hall for a possible Number Block*.
Walk up the stairs at the end of the hall. Once at the top, turn around and walk to the left of the railing. Pick up the Buck Figurine. Now turn around and walk straight ahead to the family room. Check this room for a possible Number Block*. Now, walk over to the DVD case in the corner of the room and pick up the Lift Control Body and the playing card.
Turn around and walk down the hall with the dresser to the left. Notice the empty shelves at the end? They look just like the photo from the Shack TV puzzle! At this point, Madison already has the ability to start putting the statues on the shelves but for this walk-through, we will wait until he has them all. If you decide to place the Buck now, go ahead. Anyway, turn around and go back down the stairs and face the bird on the banister.
This puzzle is briefly described in the letter from Mike to Dani found in Dani's room in the Silo. Basically, depending on which way the bird is turned, a set of doors will be able to be open in the house. All others will be locked.
To start, the bird is facing the locked front door (no, it cannot be opened). Walk around the bird so Madison is facing it and interact. The bird will turn 45 degrees clockwise. Open the door to the left of the bottom of the stairs. Walkthrough the doorway, and turn left. Make your first right down the hall and walk to the end. Pick up the playing card on the vanity.
Turn around and open the first door on your left. Check this room for a possible Number Block*. Next, walk over to the vanity and interact with the crest. Madison will focus on it for a few seconds for a good look. This crest is Dani's. Grab the playing card in this room at the foot of the bed.
Leave the room and walk across the hall. Open the door and enter the master bedroom. Walk straight ahead and pick up the Doe Figurine. Turn left and walk towards the bed. Interacting on either side will give a good look at two more crests. The one on the left is Kim's and the one on the right is Ben's. Lastly, turn around and walk towards the letter found on the dresser. Read it.
Next, exit the room and make a right. At the end of the hall make another right. Walk straight ahead and Madison will find himself in the living room. Check this room for a possible Number Block*. Walk to the art corner shelf and pick up the Wolf Figurine on the top. Next, pick up the playing card on the end table. Finally, walk back down the hall to the end and make a right to return to the Bird Statue.
Before turning the statue again, go back up the stairs and make a left. Open the door on the left at the end of the hall. Check this room for a possible Number Block*. Pick up the playing card on the corner chair. Leave the room, walk back down the hall, and down the stairs.
Turn the bird again so it is facing up the stairs. Turn left, walk down the first long hall and make a right at the end. Walk to the end of the second long hall and open the door. Check this hall for a possible Number Block*. Go back down the long hallways and return to the Bird Statue.
Turn the bird statue again so it faces to the right (final position before returning to the original position). Walk down the hall to the left of the stairs and open the door at the end. Turn right and open the door to the living room (yup, you were here before). Walk straight ahead and open the next door to the Office. Walk into the room and turn right. Pick up the Pig Figurine on the chair. Check this room for a possible Number Block*. Walk out of the office, through the living room, past the TV, and down the hall. Make a left, open the first door on the right and go into Mike's room.
On the dresser is the combination of the safe in color form. Pick it up and read it. Now turn around and open the right-hand side desk drawer for a good look at Mike's crest. Grab the playing card on the stool and leave the room. Turn around the way you came and go back up the stairs. Turn right and open the door to the bathroom.
Inside the bathroom, check for a possible Number Block*. Also, walk towards the shower to see a big mess left by someone. Leave the room and go back to the bird statue.
Turn the bird statue so the bird faces away from Madison and towards the stairs. Next walk up the stairs and open the door directly in front of Madison to access the Safe Room. Go inside and pick up the playing card on the chair.
At this point, Madison should have all five number blocks. To view them, open the Phone, then Inventory, and click on the Number Block Icon. Each is a different number and color. To decipher the safe combo, open the Documents portion of the phone and click through until the Color List is displayed. Interact with the safe and input the combination using the number blocks that are represented by the colors, starting from the top. Then press the # key. The safe will then open and Madison can then pick up the Fox Figurine.
Now, the Animal Statue Puzzle can be solved. Leave the Safe Room and make a right. Walk towards the end of the hall and interact with any shelf. Place the animal figurines on the shelves as they are depicted in the photo obtained from the Shack TV. Once that is complete, walk back down the hall. A short cut-scene will show the attic door open. Interact with the stairs to reveal another body.
In the Attic, make sure to read the letter on the stool in the left-hand corner of the room. The game cannot progress without interacting with this item. Grab the Lift Control Base on the countertop in the corner of the room. Open the door closest to the counter to access the balcony. On the balcony, grab the Garden Back Door key. Lastly, grab the playing card in the bottom corner of the room.
Leave the Attic and go back down to the first floor. Interact with the Bird Statue so it faces to the right. Walk down the hall next to the stairs, open the door, and then open the back door to go to the Farm.
Tip 1: Since all items and playing cards illuminate when Madison gets close, it is often easier to find such items in the dark. Find the light switches in the Farmhouse and switch them off to better see what you are looking for.
Tip 2: A clue on which crest is who's can be found in the master bedroom. At the foot of the bed, there are slippers. Once set pink(Kim) and the other blue(Ben).
Tip 3: Pay attention to the location of the bird statue. Madison will have to interact with it many times.
*see Farmhouse Map Overview for locations for all possible number blocks
Once Madison leaves the Farmhouse, be wary of the wolf near the exit coming from the left. Turn right and follow the wraparound porch to the front of the Farmhouse and head north towards the Garden.
Going to the front door of the Garden will play a short cut-scene but the front door cannot be opened yet. Instead, head towards the back of the Garden in the northeast of the map. However, be careful of the wolf that roams the area. There are places to hide close to the wall of the Garden that can be utilized. Find one close to the end of the Garden wall and hide until the wolf passes. Once the wolf is a safe distance away, make a run for it and enter the Garden via the back door.
The Garden is a maze and the largest area in the game besides the Farm. However, there are several landmarks that can be used to help navigate the area. The main goal at this point is to escape the Garden via the front door.
After entering the Garden, turn left and walk towards the blue illuminated door. Turn to the right at the large rock, search the area behind it for a Blue Rock and pick it up. Now go back towards the back door of the Garden and make a left past the second bench on the right. There you will see a pedestal lit in blue. Interact with it and watch the blue doors open. The first blue door that opens is not accessible yet but the second one is. Walk back towards the area where Madison picked up the blue rock and walk through the now open door.
Down this corridor roams a lone wolf and Madison will need to get by it without being seen. To achieve this, wait until the wolf is walking away from Madison and follow it, but don't get too close! After following it at a distance, there will be an area where Madison can hide on the right (look for the tall grass). Jump into the grass and wait for the wolf to turn around and walk past Madison. Once the wolf is passed and at a safe distance, make a run for it. Run all the way to the end of the corridor and grab the Playing Card in the corner area.
Turn around and make the first left and you will see the Bird Fountain. Walk towards it but stay to the left of the gazebo. Walk all the way to where the gazebo meets the wall on the left and there pick up the Gray Rock on the ground. Turn around and go into the gazebo to grab another Playing Card.
Turn around and walk behind the patio furniture to the left and find the pedestal with the Green Rock on it. Interact with the Green Rock and the door will close, locking Madison inside. Interacting again will place the Gray Rock instead, opening the door and giving Madison the Green Rock. If Madison did not have the Gray Rock, the Green Rock would be returned. Once Madison has the Green Rock, go back towards the Garden back door where Madison first entered. Use the same tactics as before to get around the wolf.
Just a bit south of the Blue Pedestal where Madison placed the Blue Rock, is a Green Pedestal. Interact with the Green Pedestal to open the green illuminated doors. Both are accessible but head towards the second one that opened in the north of the Garden. Walkthrough and grab the Garden Map that is located on the wall next to the large rock in the corner. At this point, it is safe (no wolves) to open the phone and take a look at the map.
Follow the corridor all the way to the end. Pass the first flower bed but when approaching the second flower bed, be wary of the wolf that roams the next corridor. Close to the end of this corridor is a hiding spot that can be used if needed.
Once reaching the end, move south towards the Fox Fountain. Walk onto the gazebo and walk towards the fox statue on the right. Grab the Locking Pliers/Vice Grips and go back the way you came. Go back down the long corridor towards the flower beds that were passed earlier. At the first flower bed, make a right and then look to the left. There will be the Pig Fountain with a Playing Card on it. Pick it up.
Behind the Pig Fountain are two corridors. The one on the left leads to a dead-end but there is a Playing Card on the ground. The one on the right leads to the bridge. Grab the Playing Card first, then turn around and go down the right-hand side corridor. Follow it until reaching the bridge. Once on the bridge, grab the Playing Card on the second railing post on the left and then grab the Slotted Pliers/Channel-locks on the third railing post on the right.
Cross the bridge and follow the corridor. Pick up the Playing Card on the bench on Madison's left. Keep following the corridor and stay to the right. Keep walking and eventually, Madison will make it to the Buck Fountain. On the Buck Fountain, there is the ATV key. Pick it up. Now turn around and go back towards the bridge and cross it. Follow the corridor back to the Pig Fountain, walk towards the north wall and make a right. Walk past the second flower bed and make the first right.
Follow the corridor until the end. Make a right and walk down the slope towards the bridge underpass. Walk under the bridge with caution since there are 2 wolves in this area. Without being seen by the wolves, grab the Playing Card that is on the patio table near the Noble's Pig Farm sign.
In this area, the wolves walk down the corridors to the left and the right. The goal is to get past the wolves without being caught. It does not matter which corridor is chosen since they both lead to the same place so choose any corridor and navigate past the wolf. There are hiding places in the middle of each corridor to be used. Same as the first wolf in the Garden, when the wolf starts to walk away, follow behind at a safe distance. Once close enough, hide in the bushes until the wolf walks past. Once the wolf is safely passed, make a run for it.
Once on the other side of the corridor, make a left (or right depending on the corridor chosen) and walk down the slope towards the large tree and Wolf Fountain. Walk-behind the Wolf Statue and grab the Playing Card to the left of the tree. Next, walk behind the tree a pick up the Garden Front Door Key.
Before walking back up the slope, take a peek at the benches. Notice each bench has a Noble's seals on it. This will be important later in the game. Walk up the slope and then walk up the second slope in front of it towards the Garden Front Door. Pick up the Playing card on the ground between the two trees. Exit the Garden through the front door.
Barn (Lift Control Repair)
Once the Farm loads, watch out for the wolf that is coming from the right. Next, head to the Barn. Once in the Barn walk straight ahead and make a right into the main portion of the 1st floor. Walk towards the ladder and climb it to access the loft. Once at the top, make a left and walk around the loft past the workbench. Pick up the Steering Wheel to the left of the hay bails and turn around.
Walk to the opposite side of the loft and grab the Playing Card on the ladder. Turn around and go back towards the ladder Madison climbed to reach the loft. Find the stacked round hay bails near the Hay Hatch. Walk to the left of the round hay bails and climb the bails. Once halfway to the top, a short cut-scene will play and Madison will find another body. After the cut-scene, finish climbing the bails. To the left of the body is the Up Button for the Lift Control. Pick it up. To the right of the body is a Playing Card. Pick that up too.
Walk back down the hay bails and back to the Workbench to the right. Before interacting with the Workbench, walk behind it and turn the lamp on. Then walk back to the front of the bench and interact.
The goal here is to build the Lift Control. The document found on the wall by the broken lift in the Silo had explicit instructions on how to build a new lift control from certain parts and tools. This document can be referred to in the phone. However, if the phone's battery is an issue then follow these instructions.
If you have been following this walk-through from the beginning, Madison will have all of the required tools and parts to do this. First, place the Lift Control Base. Then choose the Hammer. Then choose the Mast. The Mast will be then installed on the Lift Control Base. Next, choose the Philips screwdriver. Then choose the Lift Control Body. The Lift Control Body will then be installed on the Mast. Next, choose the Flathead screwdriver. Then choose the Up button. The Up Button will then be installed on the Lift Control Body. Next, choose the Channel locks/Slotted Pliers. Then choose the Down Button. The Down Button will then be installed on the Lift Control Body.
Once this is complete, you can use this time to pick up and remaining Playing Cards that may have been missed in the Barn*. Then, leave the Barn and head to the Silo.
*See Map Overview for all Playing Card locations
Silo (Basement Access)
Once back at the Silo, descend down to the lift missing the Lift Control. Walk up to the spot where the lift control should be and interact. Madison will need to have both the Locking Pliers and the Needle Nose Pliers to install the Lift Control. Once installed, descend to the basement. Walk straight ahead and pick up the Playing Card that is on the utility shelf. Then walk around the drums covered in a tarp. Continue walking to watch a short cut-scene and find another body. Take notice of the 3 digit number written in blood on the wall (needed to answer TV Puzzle on the above floor). The number written in blood does not appear in the document section of the phone. Memorize it or write it down.
Go back to the 2nd floor of the Silo to the living room. Interact with the TV and the remote control will appear. Press the Power button. Then input the 3 digit number that was written in blood on the basement wall. A photo will appear on the TV with the combination of the Shed Combo Lock. This combination is viewable in the documents section of the phone. Now leave the Silo and head to the Shed at the bottom center of the Farm. Watch out for the wolf in the area.
Farm (Access and Fix ATV)
To successfully gain access to the ATV, Madison must interact with and input the combination into the Shed Combo Lock to open the door. This has to be timed properly however since the wolf walks past this point on his way to his destinations. There is tall grass where Madison can hide on either side of the Shed to aid in this. Hide in the grass until the wolf is far enough away and quickly input the combination. Make sure to press the green arrow key after inputting the combo to open the lock. Refer to the document section in the phone for the correct combination.
Once the door is unlocked, the doors will open and Madison can enter the shed. Walk inside and pick up the Playing Card in the back corner. Then walk to the tailgate of the ATV and open it. Then interact again to install the battery. Once the battery is installed, walk to the driver's side of the ATV and interact to install the steering wheel. Then interact again to use get in and start the ATV.
Tip 1: The game cannot be paused and the phone cannot be accessed while driving the ATV.
Tip 2: Crashing the ATV at high speeds will result in Madison's death. If this happens, Madison will have to either find the ATV or walk into an area and back out again for the ATV to spawn close to him.
Tip 3: The ATV can get stuck if crashing into rocks. If this happens, Madison will need to leave the ATV and continue on foot. Avoid this like the plague.
Garden (Bench Puzzle)
Now that Madison has access to the ATV, the Bench Puzzle can now be solved. According to the letter found next to the body in the attic of the Farmhouse (if Madison doesn't have this document, go back to the Farmhouse and get it) there is a time capsule in the Garden that can be opened if all four of the Noble's are sitting in their respective benches.
To open the capsule, Madison will have to transport each body and place them in the Garden on their respective benches. The benches each have a seal on it which corresponds to the seal of each Noble. The answers are located in the bedrooms of the Noble's in the Silo and in the Farmhouse. The girl is Dani, the boy is Mike, the father is Ben, and the mother is Kim. Their seals are as follows.
Go back to each body Madison found in the game, one at a time and transport it back to the Garden and place it in the proper bench. They are located in the Windmill loft(Ben), the Barn hay door(Kim), the Silo basement(Dani), and the Farmhouse attic(Mike). Once a body is picked up, Madison is encumbered and can no longer run. Also, only one body can be picked up at a time.
Once the last body is placed on the bench, one of two things will happen. If the answer is correct, a short cut-scene will play, showing the opening of the time capsule. If the answer is wrong, a wolf will immediately appear and kill Madison. Once the time capsule is opened, walk to the opening and interact. A newspaper will be inside. Read it.
Tip: Once the Bench Puzzle is answered correctly, Madison will no longer be able to visit any other areas besides the Shack. Make sure any Playing Cards that were missed are picked up before this puzzle is complete or they cannot be at all.
Shack (End Game)
Once Madison gets the newspaper in the time capsule, leave the Garden. A final ominous text message will be sent to Madison once leaving the Garden and he will be prompted to go back to the Shack. Go back to the Shack and open the door.
A cut-scene will play as Madison interacts with someone. When the cutscene completes, Madison will be prompted to turn on the lamp to the right of the couch. Turn it on, for another cut-scene Once Madison awakens again, walk out of the room and one final extremely important Playing Card will be presented. Read it. Finally, walk towards the door and the game will end.
Tip 1: No areas can be visited at this point besides the Shack.
Tip 2: Fast Travel will not work at this time.
Tip 3: Orbital Anarchy can be accessed one final time between the reveal of the final Playing Card and Madison opening the front door of the Shack. This is the last opportunity to play the side game if you found at least 40 cards throughout the game.